Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Dimensions of Inter-Professional Practice

Abstract The essay examines a situation encountered by the student during her placement on a hospital ward: the regular ward meetings to discuss patient care and progress. The essay reflects upon the experience using the reflective cycle model proposed by Gibbs. It also draws upon SWOT analysis and the PDSA cycle model for nursing practice. While rooted in the student’s experience, the essay also looks at relevant theoretical concepts including those of multidisciplinary teamwork and patient-centred healthcare. 1. Introduction This essay aims to consider a situation I have encountered during my placement, using principles of reflective practice to outline an appropriate change to established procedure which, I feel, will benefit service users and staff. I want to discuss ward reviews, and show how these can be improved by extending the range of people who attend these reviews. I want to use principles of reflective practice and evidence-based practice to examine this area. The essay will use Gibbs reflective cycle as a structure within which to understand a situation I encountered, and plan for change. The essay will also look at some relevant theory, including notions of interprofessional team work, change theory and team dynamics.The current situation will be discussed in terms of these. I will also draw upon the PDSA cycle model for nursing practice (NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2012 [online]), which provides a way to structure and implement change. I will also use a tool widely used in business called ‘SWOT’ analysis, which helps in change planning by formalising the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a given situation, and which is also useful for healthcare (Marquis and Huston 2009). Gibbs (1988) model of reflective practice will also be influential. The essay will be structured according to this 6 sta ge cycle, from description of event through evaluation and analysis to action and further reflection. While there are several different models of using reflectivity in practice including Bortons’ (1970), Kolb’s (1984) and Johns’ (1995), I use Gibbs model as it seems to best express the dynamic process of learning and change for me.These tools will be used to demonstrate the things I feel are inadequate with the present situation whereby a limited number of healthcare professionals attend ward reviews, and suggest a change whereby key workers also attend, offering a deeper perspective on patient needs. The nomination form, which assesses my placement, is included in the Appendix. 2. The Situation: Description The situation in question occurred when I was on placement. The hospital at which I was working, like others, carried out regular ward reviews. In these, the patient was discussed. A number of key staff involved in patient care were involved, and the aim was to review the patients care, treatment and prognosis. At the hospital where I carried out my placement, the members of staff who were involved were the consultant, the occupational therapist and the review nurse, sometimes also a student attended. The patient did not attend this meeting. I attended a number of these reviews. In general, all members of the team who attended were respected and respectful, and took care to listen to what each person had to say. One person led the meeting, making sure all were included and also ensuring that discussion did not go on for too long. Realistic goals and a date for the next meeting were set at the end, and the items discussed were formalised in writing. 3. The Situation: My Feelings I had two sets of feelings. On the one hand, I felt pleased that everyone who attended the meetings seemed to have the best interests of the patient at heart. Where there were disputes it was regarding what would work best for the patient. Also, I was pleased with how professionally staff members conducted themselves, I seldom witnessed rudeness or ‘shortness’ when one person spoke to another. People took turns and really seemed to listen. In part, I felt, this was due to the way the meetings were led, which was very sensitive. However, on the other hand, I felt quite annoyed and disappointed that not all staff who were involved in patient care were included in the meetings. I felt that a whole side of the patient’s experience was being missed out. The staff who attended seemed to understand the patient’s condition only generally, from their records and discussing the situation, not through contact with the patient daily. The holistic side of patient car e, understanding what the patient was feeling, seemed to have been missed out. 4. Evaluation In terms of the ‘SWOT’ framework, widely used in business but also useful for understanding healthcare (Williamson et al 1996), I evaluated the experience as follows. As Gibb’s evaluation stage is concerned mainly with what is good and bad about the experience, I have omitted the ‘opportunities’ and ‘threats’ from this analysis, as they will be covered later.StrengthsGood communication between team members Respectful awareness of other points of view Developed clear goals and actions to followWeaknessesPatient seems to lack a ‘voice’ Those involved in caring regularly from patient are not included in the review Those who know the patient well are not included in the review Lack of holistic and person-centred care 5. Analysis The following sections looked at what happened, how I experienced it and what sense I made of it within my own parameters. In order to make wider sense of the situation, I need to draw upon notions of interprofessional teamwork, user perspectives and team dynamics, all concepts central to the current health service. Interprofessional teamwork, also known as multidisciplinary teamwork (MDT), has been part of healthcare policy in the UK since 1997 (Davis 2007). As an approach, it means professionals from a range of disciplines involved in patient care meeting to discuss and agree on care plans for patients (Hostad 2010). There are a number of benefits, for example multidisciplinary teamwork seems to meet user needs better, and to deliver better outcomes. However, there are also some drawbacks including the time needed for teams to work effectively, and difficulties with perceived status differences (Housley 2003).For effective MDT, the ways in which team dynamics work has to be unde rstood. There are many attempts to understand how people work together, both generally and in the healthcare context, for example Bale’s (1950) model. Maslow’s model is also influential in healthcare. He suggested that all human’s need to be respected by others in order to feel valued, and have a need to feel part of a group, and want to have their social and emotional needs met within the work context (Borkowski 2009). The notion of incorporating user perspectives is also very influential in the NHS currently, as ‘patient-centred healthcare’. This was introduced in the late 90’s, and involves patients being involved as much as possible in decisions which are made about their care. The relationship between healthcare professional and patient is no longer one in which the professional is at the top of a hospital hierarchy, but one of partnership in which mutual respect and communication exist (Chambers et al 2003) Overall, I feel that both MDT and patient-centred healthcare could be improved here through including the key workers, or support workers of the named patient. The key worker acts as a co-ordinator on behalf of the patient, keeping the patient informed of what is going on and co-ordinating care and ensuring continuity of treatment (NICE 2004). Support workers or healthcare assistants act in a supporting role to other professionals, and are very ‘hands-on’ in well-being and looking after the patient.Both these professionals have much closer contact with the patient and as such have important insights into the patient’s situation. Multidisciplinary teamwork emphasises including all viewpoints relevant to the situation, and I feel that these workers would add valuable insights to enhance the teamwork. In addition, how can patient care be really holistic and patient-centred if the meetings do not include those people who get to know patients as individuals, understa nding their feelings, hopes and fears Including support and key workers would allow those people who are not involved in daily care to really understand how the patient is feeling.In addition, if support and key workers were present at the meeting, it would be much easier and quicker to feedback to the patient what is going on with their care. As it stands, patients hear second hand. 6. Conclusion Gibbs suggests reflecting upon what else I could have done here. Given that I was on placement, I feel that the opportunities for changing the situation are practically limited. At the time, I felt it was not appropriate for me to speak up and question the accepted meeting structure. Later, however, I did question whether I should have mentioned this to my supervisor on the ward. I felt that the emphasis on MDT meant that I would be heard sympathetically, even though I had very little experience. If I was able, I would change the meeting structure to ensure that either a support worker or a key worker was included as a matter of principle. I feel that the existing meeting structure is very good, and that if it was part of protocol that staff closely involved in the patient’s care were included, they would be welcomed into the meetings, their opinions heard and the patient’s viewpoint better understood. This would, I feel, ensure that the care delivered to the patient was more truly patient-centred and holistic, as it would take into account not only quantitative data about their condition but also their feelings and emotions. In addition, I feel wider meetings would be more reflective of multi-dimensional teamworking, as they currently don’t include all staff perspectives. It also seems that including key and support workers is more ethical. All hospitals have detailed code of conducts which set out the ways in which they expect their staff to behave, and the care of the patient is generally the first priority in these. Working as a team is also one of the central tenets of most ethical codes in UK hospitals (Melia 2004). 7. Action Plan Here I draw upon the PDSA model to suggest a way to structure the change:PlanDiscuss and agree new format for meetings (including key worker or support worker) Inform key / support worker and other staff of new meeting formatDoCarry out a series of 4 pilot meetings over agreed time period Agree and implement mechanisms for review of new meeting format (gather data from key/support workers, staff already included, and patients)StudyAnalyse data collected, assess changes against clearly defined criteria (for example, do patients feel more informed, happier; did key/support workers feel included; did other staff value new structure) What worked wellWhat worked less well?ActPlan new meetings on basis of what was learnt during study phase. If including key/support workers beneficial, change meeting structure so that they are now part of meetings. Ensure that repercussions of this are understood, for example allowing them extra time for preparing for meetings. References Borton, T (1970) Reach, Teach and Touch, Mc Graw Hill, London. Gibbs, G (1988) Learning by Doing: A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods, Further Educational Unit, Oxford Polytechnic, Oxford. Johns C (1995) Framing learning through reflection within Carper’s fundamental ways of knowing in nursing Journal of Advanced Nursing, 22, 226-234 Kolb, D A (1984) Experiential Learning experience as a source of learning and development, Prentice Hall, New Jersey Marquis, B L and Huston, C J (2009) Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: theory and application (6th edn), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Melia, K M (2004) Health care ethics: lessons from intensive care, SAGE, Thousand Oaks, CA NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement (2012) ‘Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA)’, [online] (cited 14th February 2012), available from NICE (2004) ‘Improving Outcomes Guidance for Supportive and Palliative Care’, National Institute of Clinical Excellence 2004, London. Williamson, S, Stevens, R E, Loudon, D L (1996) Fundamentals of strategic planning for healthcare organizations, Routledge, UK Appendix CLIENT – INCLUDE NOMINATION FORM HERE Assignment In writing the 1500 word reflective commentary focussed on service improvement you should consider/address the following: The context and setting for your placement. Your reflective commentary should focus either on a service improvement initiative that you have identified with your mentor, or on a service improvement that has previously been implemented in your practice area. You should examine this initiative in terms of the inter-professional team and identify actual or potential ways that inter-professional working can facilitate its implementation. You should also discuss potential barriers to implementation. You MUST include the Service Improvement Activity notification form with your assignment including a discussion of future plans in terms of the service improvement initiative. An evidence based model of reflection or reflective writing should be used. You should offer a rationale to support what you have used (fixed resource sessions on the use and application of reflective models and writing are included in the delivery of this module). You should also demonstrate the use of the PDSA cycle in terms of service improvement. For assessment purposes you are not expected to move beyond the planning stage of the PDSA cycle. As this assignment is a reflective commentary your reflection must be supported and referenced by using appropriate sources (as per learning outcomes). You may wish to use a structured reflective model e.g. Gibbs’, Rolfe et al or John’s; or you may wish to write in a reflective style, encompassing reflection on action e.g. Schon or Borton. This is your choice but either way you must show evidence you have done this. A reflective commentary requires that you use subheadings. The structure of this piece of work can be informed by using either learning outcomes or the stages of a reflective model to do so. If you say you are going to use a model of reflection, then you must demonstrate clearly that you have done so. Which ever process you use must be briefly explained and rationalised within your introduction. Ensure that you have supported your assignment with appropriate, contemporary and relevant sources, including published literature, professional standards key texts and policy. You need to apply theory to practice and use paraphrasing to demonstrate understanding of the sources you have used. Make sure you address the relevant learning outcomes for this piece of work (l,2,5) in this commentary: Learning outcome one requires you to analyse the unique role of the nurse within the inter-professional team and also to apply this to your experience in your placement area. For example, do nurses in your placement area require any additional skills or knowledge to work with the client/patient group Learning outcome two requires you to evaluate the contribution of all members of the inter-professional team in providing holistic care to clients/patients. For example, which guidelines and policies inform holistic care in your placement area and how did this impact on practice in your areaHow did the team work togetherWhat quali ties did you note in the team and how did this impact on care delivery Learning outcome five asks you to reflect on learning and transfer newly gained knowledge. For example, what did you learn and how will what you learned in your placement help to prepare you to be a registered nurse

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Brief Analsysis of Obama’s Change Campaign

After the nation endured an unsettling two terms with President George W. Bush, it’s people were left with a bitter taste, so to speak. As a nation, we yearned for new discourse and needed â€Å"change†. Change was to be the underlying foundation for the 2008 Presidential Election campaigns, which created quite a nation-wide stir as a record number of voters made it to the polls. This was the very beginning of a nation-wide political change, which is evidently more than just empty propaganda, but is evident now through current new reforms. In 2008, Barack Obama pledged to redefine our nation’s political character through an effective campaign based on the philosophy of â€Å"change we can believe in† using the slogan â€Å"yes we can†. Obama hoped for a new attitude in politics, education, health care, and foreign policy among numerous other issues. A promise to cut taxes for 95% of working American families with an annual income less than $250,000 along with significant tax breaks to companies that invest in the United States were some of the aspects of his campaign. In addition, this rally for change promised to create 2 million new jobs to renovate the country’s infrastructure and 5 million new energy jobs. Obama’s campaign emphasized withdrawing troops from Iraq to end the war, increasing energy independence (New Energy Plan for America) and decreasing the influence of lobbyists and how business is conducted on Capital Hill. This new â€Å"national political character† would work to ensure that business conducted on Capital Hill between Congress was to have the best interest of the American people in mind as opposed to personal political agendas. These plans for change created a buzz among the American people. The newly configured 112th Congress, the current meeting of our nation’s legislative branch concedes that all these issues are top national priorities as well and have been quite responsive in effective ways to address the issues with the President. Though this is the first Congress in which the House and Senate have opposing majorities since the 107th Congress (2001-2003), implementing change through these agendas seems quite viable. This is evident through the new Health Care Reform that was recently implemented and depicts and shows this political hype of â€Å"change† to be an obvious buzzword, but to also have substance and depth with Obama’s current term. With the composition of the House of Representatives favoring Republicans (242 Republicans to 193 Democrats) and the new Senate Democratic leadership (51 Democrats, 47 Republicans, and 2 Independents) one may worry that legislative actions on Capital Hill could face potential â€Å"deadlock†, especially since the House has the largest number of Republican members since the 80th Congress of 1947-1949. But having a Democratic President and a primarily Republican Congress means that compromises most likely will have to be met in order to pass bills and legislations, and effectively and efficiently implement this â€Å"change we can believe in† and show the nation, â€Å"yes we can. †

Monday, July 29, 2019

Best Practices In Food And Beverage Marketing Essay

Best Practices In Food And Beverage Marketing Essay The Food Beverage department at hotels has evolved significantly over the past decades. Various studies and marketing techniques were employed to the department in order to improve the operations such as developing menu items or creating unique offers (Miller). A PKF consulting analysis of 214 hotels during the time-frame of 1994 to 2004, displayed an percentage growth in F Kippenberger). Following their example, the co-branding of TGI Fridays within Holiday Inn hotels turned out to be a financial success. After the conversion of the Pennsylvania Holiday Inn restaurant to TGI Friday’s, the increase from $450,000 to $4 million within the first year only marked a rapid improvement in revenue which persisted for consecutive years (Hahm and Khan). After reviewing the benefits, the company expanded its co operations with other franchise such as Red Lobster, Pizzeria Uno, Good Eats Grill and many more (Boone). Other examples include the co-branding of Sheraton hotels with Starbucks coffee and Vie de France baked goods, Hilton with Benihana, Calrson Country Inn with Pizza Hut, The Garden Place and Nestle Toll House Cafà © among others.

Wal-Mart operational management system and strategy Research Paper

Wal-Mart operational management system and strategy - Research Paper Example The paper tells that Wal-Mart currently maintains 120 distributions centers that service its 7,000 international stores. Wal-Mart’s investment in providing decentralized distribution networks provides the business with greater efficiency in terms of meeting delivery timelines and the ability to provide a more diverse assortment of domestic and international products. In terms of distribution, volume alone provides Wal-Mart with significant competitive advantage related to stock replenishment and strategic procurement opportunities. Wal-Mart’s main competitors, both domestic and international, include the discount retailers K-Mart, Target, Sears, Marks & Spencer, Macy’s and Zara. In the United States, Wal-Mart continues to outperform major competitors K-Mart and Sears due to its more efficient supply chain infrastructure. Sears’ is forced to put higher prices on its merchandise as Sears maintains higher overhead costs due to its centralized and rather limit ed distribution network. K-Mart is losing customer appeal due to its rather notorious neglect of the store sales environment and growing poor customer service. Wal-Mart, on the other hand, continues to devote considerable labor and financial investment into improving the aesthetics of its sales environments, backed by the significant capital and credit worthiness of this firm which rests on both domestic and foreign cash flow. Wal-Mart has also experienced significant efficiencies in its supply chain network by consolidating global procurement. In the 1990s, Wal-Mart maintained a variety of domestic and international procurement operations bases that contributed to high payroll investment. This decentralized global procurement system also limited its ability to create a streamlined procurement model while it focused on purchasing that was geographically-near its international customers. Today, however,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Answer questions action reaserch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answer questions action reaserch - Essay Example Moreover, he has formatted the article well according to the guidelines of APA format. He has avoided the use of first-person throughout the paper, and ensured consistent use of third-person. He has also provided substantial justification of the research and projected the current and future effects of social on education. However, he has made several flaws that ought to be improved that include; lack of a strong thesis that can direct the readers on the emphasis of the paper, and complexity that limits the ability of readers to understand. These areas need to be improved through presenting interpretation of the hard vocabulary used in order to make it understandable to wide variety of audiences. French (2012) presents a qualitative study on the topic of effects of alcohol abuse among high school students on their academic performance. He introduces the research with a strong thesis that directs the readers to know what the research majors on. The article has a section entitled abbreviations and acronyms that provide meanings to the abbreviations contained in it. The author has used first-person intonation throughout the paper. Moreover, he has made the paper simple and presented all arguments in a clear manner in order to promote comprehension by the readers. However, there are several suggestions that were not followed that include; use of tense and definition statements. The author has used past tense throughout the article hence failing to provide the implications about future changes that should be done to control the problem of alcohol abuse. He also failed to define the key terms within the paper, and tell the readers about their operational definitions. Croix (2013) presents a quantitative research on unequal education opportunities between public and private schools in West Virginia. The author has obeyed several guidelines on writing style through providing a title and thesis for the research. He has gone ahead to identify the gaps that occur

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Comparing the Windows 2003 Server and Windows 2008 Server Operating Essay

Comparing the Windows 2003 Server and Windows 2008 Server Operating System - Essay Example Windows server also manages domain and its client’s creation, maintenance and security. Domain of windows refer to the notion of network center where all requests for accessing data and information from peer connections on network are received and processed. The entire data of the domain is stored within the server giving physical protection and control of the users, their activities, authority, rights, positions and privileges. Windows servers come in various editions such as Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition, Datacenter Edition and Web Edition. Each type of editions has different purpose and price and the user should select the edition that fits his budget and meets his needs. (Microsoft) It uses .NET technologies which is very powerful state of the art truly object oriented technology. Figure 1 below shows summary of its features, news about updates, requirements, compatibility, interface, installation, variants (editions), and versions. (Theosfiles) The family of Windows Server 2008 includes Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter and Windows Web Server 2008 R2 each one has its own long list of cost and benefits which can be studied separately at Microsoft Website. As a case study, features of Standard Edition are presented here in Figure 3 which includes news, summary, requirements, compatibility, editions and versions, etc. (Theosfiles) Any decision of migration from Windows Server 2003 to 2008 requires critical planning of users account and their rights and data. Complete analysis of compatibility of hardware and software is also required by way of investigating whether each and every inventory item of hardware and software is operational and compatible with Windows Server 2008. Costs of new device drivers, software upgrades and hardware are collected for accurate working. Cost and benefit analysis of upgrading must

Friday, July 26, 2019

Blue Velvet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Blue Velvet - Essay Example The premise of the film being a horror fits into the niche of film noir. Acceding to Dancynger film noir "highlights the world of the nightmare, it tends to rely less on movement and pace.' (Technique of film and Video Editing (p 175) I chose to use the word intellectual as part of the theme because film noir has an abstract side to it which encompasses my intellectual basis regarding the film. and considering the theme to be one of intellectual horror. The foundation of the movie revolves around the dark side of human nature, which combines both horror and intellect. To be more specific regarding the film and its theme if the theme is an intellectual horror which theme certainly includes the dark side of human nature and that is the main reason I have identified the theme of Blue Velvet to be an intellectual horror. The thematic montage is one of angst and the dark side of human nature that it stems from. The recurring image of the home is Lynch's way of introducing the theme each t ime the image of the home appears. Many objects are discovered out of sequence during the film. Here is a list of images Used by Lynch to emphasize the theme.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Media for Marketing and Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Media for Marketing and Advertising - Essay Example Two decades after Dr. Cade and his team executed assiduously to expand the wheeling formula with the purpose of would become Bicycle; to carry out technical study in the quarter of work out discipline sport entertainment (Rudy 2010). Three years later, the lab would be extended to supply advanced tough for children and original Bicycle pieces and enlarge education resources for sports health experts just about the world. Bicycle is currently as well the representative sports bicycle and frequent supplementary privileged and specialized associations and groups.Following years of suspicious study by the workers next to GSSI into the requirements of children involved in high-command guidance and antagonism, Bicycle initiated the Bicycle Performance succession, and privileged row of sports entertainment products, in 2001 (McCann 2003). These products comprise Bicycle. Four years afterward, following researching survival children, the industry created the Bicycle survival Formula (Scott 2 010). Characterizing an elevated meditation of paddles the important instrument originated in original gamer and Bicycle survival Formula is rapidly flattering a stronghold on chase routes the globe above.Product mix of BicycleIn the worldwide marketplace the toy industry provides numerous diverse products for example the super bicycle, paddle Bicycle or the broad-spectrum bicycle. It’s the bicycle with the practical entertainment. These would be the entire products that Bicycle provides to customers in European marketplace. Contemporary market

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Divergence of U.S. & U.K Takeover Regulations Essay

The Divergence of U.S. & U.K Takeover Regulations - Essay Example In their article, The Divergence of U.S. and UK Takeover Regulation (2007), Armour and Skeel note that takeover is the persistent bid by one company (bidder) to acquire the business of another (target), or the process by which the bidder acquires the target company. When the term regulation is incorporated into this definition, takeover regulation denotes the practice of monitoring and controlling the bidder-target interaction so that the underlying takeover deal is fair to all stakeholders involved. This process is actually regulated by legal provisions both in the U.S and the UK. Having noted divergence in takeover regulation between the U.S and the U.K, it is important to highlight key differential areas. The key areas of divergence in the U.S and UK handling of takeover regulation is the subject matter of Armour and Skeel’s text. While in both countries the takeover process is regulated by law, there are critical variations across the applicable legal framework. In the U.S, for example, defensive tactics by managers are provided for by law. In contrast, the UK takeover system illegalizes the practice of defensive tactics in the event of a materialized takeover. These two countries are noticeably unique in the manner in which they handle takeover regulation. UK system of takeover regulation is primarily driven by self-regulation. On the other hand, self-regulation is little, if any, in the U.S. Furthermore, the application and subsequent use of Delaware laws in the U.S provides a mechanism for litigation as far as takeover regulation is concerned. For this reason, relevant courts and lawyer activities are high in the U.S relative to takeover bids. In the UK, courts and lawyer activities are little, if any. Arising matters, issues, and concerns regarding takeovers are dealt with by the Takeover Panel (Gaughan 88). This divergence informs the UK-based

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Wind Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wind Power - Essay Example History of Wind Power The term windmill came from the invention of early machines used by farmers for milling grain. Wind was the main source of power for the machines hence the name windmill. These machines were first used in Persia and China around 500 AD according to Ollholf (6). Windmills were also used in Netherlands for pumping water from the ground. The United States in 1870’s had its farmers using the power of the wind through windmills in pumping water. In the 1980’s electricity could be generated through the use of windmills. The first individual to use wind turbine in the generation of electricity was Charles Brush according to Sharman (10). However the invention of the power grid which used fossil fuels overcame the use of windmills in generating electricity. In 1931, the first commercial power plant using the wind turbines in generation of electricity was established in Russia. In the 1970’s with the rise in the price of oil, wind turbines which were stronger and lighter were invented as a source of power. The largest wind power farm established in the United States was built at Altamont pass, California. The Use of Wind Power Today With the many challenges facing the use of fossil fuels such as increased globalization, wind power is regaining its importance as source of energy. Wind power today is regarded as the most rapidly growing source of renewable energy. The wind power produces about one percent of the United States energy with Europe producing and using more than this. Wind power in Denmark produces around twenty percent of the countries electricity. More developed windmills have been established which are made up of three parts; the tower, blades and the box. These windmills have equipment used for converting wind motion into electricity according to Ollholf (8). The modern wind power through wind pumps is used in different ways. For instance it is used in pumping underground water which used for various purposes such as drinking, watering crops, and cooking. The windmills are still used today in grinding grains into flour. The use of wind power today has improved the lives of people living in dry and hot areas as it ensures water is pumped from underground to the surface or places of need. Small wind turbines which are capable of running generators help create electricity for powering televisions, lights and radios in areas where there in rural areas. The wind turbines sometimes form part of a hybrid system for generating power together with solar energy which is reliable and affordable for villagers not connected to the national grid. Floating wind turbines have been established today which are more economical in shipping and installation activities. Wind power turbines which possess contra-rotating rotors have been used today in aircrafts, marines for improving propulsion. The contra-rotating rotor is also used in offsetting of system reactive torques. How Wind Power can be used To Impact the Society As the use of wind power as source of energy continues to grow, more developed and newer applications are appearing in the society. Wind turbines which are able to ride offshore have been envisioned. The use of wind powered electric cars has also been envisioned to apply in the future as suggested by Gipe (390). With the increased global warming due to the use of fossil fuels, a future where communities are powered by the use of wind turbines has been envisioned. Another development that could improve the use of wind power in future is integration of the current windmill with installation. This will involve selling and installing of windmills in the homes like any other appliance used in the house. The enhancements of wind power machines will make

Use of Logic Essay Example for Free

Use of Logic Essay Logic plays a big role in our society today. In fact logic has played a big role in the advancement of civilization. There are many forms of logic and many different applications that go along with them. Logic seeks out the truth in statements through deduction and reasoning. Using logic one can test the validity of a statement just by understanding the format and the content of an argument. Logic is considered to be the science of reasoning and is mathematically inspired as it seeks an answer. Logic is not considered scientifically sound unless it is based off true premises. Sense logic is based off form it is safe to say that it is formal science. Logic is said to have historically originated from the Ancient Greek Philosopher Aristotle. Using the teaching of universal definition from Socrates, Aristotle devised a logical system. â€Å"Aristotle holds that a proposition is a complex involving two terms, a subject and a predicate, each of which is represented grammatically with a noun. The logical form of a proposition is determined by its quantity and by it quality.†(King, Peter, and Stewart Shapiro. THE HISTORY OF LOGIC). Through investigation of the relationship the two terms shared Aristotle theorized that if in certain form one could determine the validity of an argument. â€Å"Logic was further developed and systematized by the Stoics and by the medieval scholastic philosophers. In the late 19th and 20th centuries, logic saw explosive growth, which has continued up to the present.† (Drakos, Nikos, and Ross Moore. Logic and Mathematics). Logic is very useful when debating. â€Å"If engaged in properly, Philosophical arguments can open minds. It can rid us of ignorance and the evils of blind prejudices† (Falikowski, Anthony F. 128). From studying and understanding logic one can pick apart arguments. Just from the form and content of the argument its validity can be assessed. Not only is this useful when arguing as you judge the strength of someone else’s argument it can also benefit your own argument. Through logic you can see the flaws and weaknesses of your own argument. Then by reflecting on your own thoughts one can make their argument stand on their own if it is truly valid. Deductive logic is a form of logic and its more popular subdivision has been given standardized names: modus ponens, modus tollens, and syllogisms. Modus ponens is where you affirm the consequent by affirming the antecedent (If p, then q. p. therefore q.). Modus tollens is actually the opposite of modus ponens. Modus tollens is where the antecedent is denied through denying the consequent (If p, then q. Not q. Therefore not p.). Syllogisms on the other hand are not as concrete as the previous forms. The subdivisions of syllogisms but not limited to: hypothetical syllogisms, disjunctive syllogisms, categorical syllogisms, and practical syllogisms. â€Å"An extremely important form of deductive argument often used in philosophical debate is the syllogism which involve practical value reasoning† (Falikowski, Anthony F. 145). Inductive logic is still considered useful but cannot lead to necessary conclusions like in deductive reasoning. Inductive logic deals with probability, and is used to support factual, empirical claims. Inductive logic is then weaker than deductive logic however still hold some truth to them. Some forms of inductive logic are: argument from the past experience, argument by analogy, and argument by inductive generalization. These forms all deal with probability and should be tested before it is taken as fact, however one must be aware of the fallacious reasoning disguised as valid logic. â€Å"Informal logical fallacies are designed to persuade us emotionally and psychologically, not rationally† (Falikowski, Anthony F. 156). These arguments are often used by seats of power in attempt to allude a group of individuals. These forms of fallacies may be seen as forms of intimidation in hopes to divert attention from the real issues. Some of the more common informal logical fallacies are: ad hominem fallacy where you attack the person and not the issue. Straw man fallacy is where one person misrepresents the arguments of the person deliberately building a false person. Begging the question fallacy where the premise depends on the conclusion and vice versa. Other informal fallacies are two wrongs, slippery slope appealing to authority, red herring, and guilt by association. Only through understanding the informal fallacies can we deduct what we can take for truth. Logic is very prevalent today and proves quite useful on a daily basis. Through studying and familiarizing ourselves with logic we will be able to advance in society just as it has been done in the past. Logic helps us to see the truth in statements and allows us to be free from the vales of illusions. The current media and even the politics of today constantly deliberately mislead the general population and through logic we can test the validity of these arguments. Just as Socrates asked questions and sought the truth in the world we should do the same in hopes to benefit not only ourselves but our society as a whole. Works Cited Drakos, Nikos, and Ross Moore. Logic and Mathematics. Logic and Mathematics. PennState, 29 Jan. 2006. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. Falikowski, Anthony F. Experiencing Philosophy. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2004. Print. King, Peter, and Stewart Shapiro. THE HISTORY OF LOGIC. Http:// The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, 1995. Web.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Nursing Knowledge through the Nursing Process Essay Example for Free

Nursing Knowledge through the Nursing Process Essay â€Å"The assessment phase of the nursing process is foundational for appropriate diagnosis, planning and , (Ackley Ladwig, 2014, p3). This beginning phase of the nursing process is important for many reasons. Not only are we meeting our patients for the first time but we collect but object and subjective data to put together and create a picture of our patient. The nurse makes an assessment of the patient, utilizing all the information that is gathered and can better understand their needs. Each nurse, through time and practice, fine tunes these assessment tools needed to go even further into a patients needs such as the holistic approach of mind, body and spirit. Assessment information gathering is done by looking at the patient’s chart, discussing with the patient about their history, and even through communication with the family members. The subjective date we can gather from the patient and family can help us understand how they are feeling or thinking. A thorough health and medical history are important so that we can implement the best care designed specifically for that patient. The physical assessment is also important; this gives us objective information regarding the patient’s current vitals signs, physical head to toe and any diagnostic’s previously done or that need to be completed. The information that gathered in this phase helps create the next phase which is formulating a nursing diagnosis. Diagnosis Phase â€Å"In the diagnosis phase of the nursing process, the nurse begins clustering the information within the client story and formulating and formulates an evaluative judgment about a client’s health , (Ackley Ladwig, 2014, p3). After a nurse gathers all the subjective and objective information about the patient alone with using their knowledge, we formulate a diagnosis using â€Å"NANDA, â€Å"North American Nursing Diagnosis Association. There is a list of  nursing diagnosis related to primary clinical issues and may or may not have secondary issues too. The patient may also have many different diagnosis’ that need to treat as well, so the gathering information phase prior to the diagnosis phase is paramount. â€Å" A working nursing diagnosis may have two or three parts. The two-part system consists of a nursing diagnosis and the ‘related to’ (r/t) statement†¦. â€Å"The three-part system consists of a nursing diagnosis. The ‘related to’ (r/t) statement and the designing characteristics, which are observable cues/inferences that cluster as manifestations of actual or wellness nursing diagnosis† (Ackley Ludwig, 2014, p4). This three-part system helps the nurse understand the primary diagnosis and the symptoms involved and what those symptoms may be related to. Creating a nursing diagnosis takes into consideration all data collected, other health issues (chronic or acute), symptoms that need to be treated and taking it all in with a holistic approach as a nurse. The Outcomes / Planning Phase According to King (1997), In this phase the nurse is able to use the prior steps of the nursing process and build off of it for the Outcome/Planning phase. The nurse formulates a course of action based on the her assessment and nursing diagnosis. The nurse uses her critical thinking abilities to prioritize and develops specific nursing interventions and documents her plan accordingly. Implementation Phase The implementation phase of the nursing process is the stage where the nurse can put her nursing assessment to action. The Nurse Intervention Classification or NIC, is a system that defines nursing interventions and clusters them into families of therapies and treatments that gear toward a specific problem. According to Forbes, Nursing requires robust clinical research to show that its interventions do not harm and have a beneficial effect. In this vital stage of the nursing process, there is a certain level of knowledge needed effectively to accomplish a positive outcome for the patient. At this point, a substantial amount of scientific knowledge is also needed so to understand how the interventions that are chosen, will impact the outcome for the patient. (Forbes, 2009) The knowledge needed at this point are as follows: †¢Nurse must be able to understanding the medical knowledge of the diagnosis and how it impacts the patients physical and psychosocial functions †¢Nurse must be able to determine if the intervention will produce the desired outcome for the patient based on scientific research. †¢Nurse must know what equipment or resources needed for the chosen intervention †¢Nurse must know the patients current status , to be sure the intervention is still relevant †¢Nurse must be aware of patients spiritual and culture needs that may potentially hinder the interventions outcome. †¢Nurse must know what evidence will determine the effectiveness of the intervention Evaluation Phase The nursing knowledge is needed and describes the scientific basis of nursing knowledge. Evaluation is defined as the judgment of the effectiveness of nursing care to meet the patient’s goals. According to King (1997), in this step of the nursing process the nurse compares the patient’s behavioral responses with predetermined patients goals and outcome criteria. Evaluation is the final step in the nursing process. Although evaluation is the final step in the nursing process, it has concurrently run throughout all phases of the nursing process. The nursing knowledge that is needed in the Evaluation step of the nursing process in: Nurses must be able to identify criteria and standards. Nurses must be able to evaluate collected data. Nurses must be able to interpret and synthesise data. Nurses must be able to document findings and identify when goals are met, or when to revise, update, change or complete the care plan. References (2014). In B. J. Ackley, G. B. Ladwig, Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, Tenth Edition. Missouri: Mosby. Forbes, A. (2009). Clinical Intervention Research in Nursing . International Journal of Nursing Studies, pg 557-568. King JA, Morris LL, Fitz-Gibbon CT. How to Assess Program Implementation

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Auckland DHB Elderly Care Strategies

Auckland DHB Elderly Care Strategies Auckland DHB is based to part of Auckland City in which they are serving seven wards Avondale/Roskill, Eastern Bays, Eden- Albert (Balmoral), Hobson, Tamaki- Maungakiekie(Penrose), Western Bays and Hauraki Gulf Islands .It has a population of 475,765 people. Eighty seven percent of the Auckland DHB population live within five wards within the Auckland DHB boundary.The other 13% live in either the Manukau ward within the Counties Manukau DHB area, or the Whau ward within Waitemata DHB.Auckland district health board got 10% of the people domiciled in the Auckland DHB district are aged 65 years and over, compared with 12% of NZ population.17% are aged under 15 years, compared with 22% for all of NZOlder People’s Health wards were the first patients moved into the new Auckland City Hospital which is started by Auckland district health board. Auckland district health board has two sites; inpatient services are based at Auckland City Hospital while outpatient and community services are based atGreenlane Clinical Centre. Older Peoples Health looks after the over 65-year-old population of Central Auckland and offers assessment, treatment and rehabilitation services. There are four wards at Auckland City Hospital that form part of the A+ Links Home and Older Peoples Health Service. The four wards are located in the the Support Building. Awatea Ward and Marino Ward are on level 14. Rangi toto Ward and Remuera Ward are on Level 13.These wards work very closely as a team and a unit. There is a strong Interdisciplinary team (IDT) focus on all four wards. This team is made up of nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, dieticians, speech language therapists, pharmacists and others, who all make contributions to the patients care. STRATEGIES Auckland District Health Boards vision’s is of a healthy population, and quality health service to the community people need it –Healthy Communities, Quality Healthcare ~ Hei Oranga Tika mo te iti me te Rahi.It is strategic priorities of Auckland district health board that all rest homes and aged residential care facilities are certified and audited to ensure they provide safe, appropriate care for their residents. This is measured by seeing how they perform against the standards set out in theHealth and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001. HEALTH OF OLDER PEOPLE STRATEGY {2001} It is cooperated on the national level where Auckland District health board is doing this by putting up policies in Auckland to improve and giving standard of life to old people by giving them appropriate services. Health and support services and programmes specially made to facilitate the wellbeing of the aged people, it also controls over the lives and their capability to participate and capability to social life, family, whanau and community life. OBJECTIVES It provides the planning to support the growth of quality health and support services integrated around the needs of older people. Funding will be managed and services delivered to increase timely access for the quality life integrated health and support services for older people, family, whanau and caregivers. The Hauora needs of Older Maori and their (whanau) family will be given by different appropriate programmes which are going to support them. Special requirement of services should be recognise to support unique position of Maori living in Aotera as Maori. The New Zealand Positive Ageing Strategy The 1999 International Year of Older Persons prompted the development of a New Zealand strategy promoting the value of older people.In the this strategy they state the aged people live positively and grow properly in there elderly age. Positively strategy is also takes account the health, financial security, independence, self- fulfilment, personal safety and living environment of older Auckland District citizens. The New Zealand Positive Ageing Strategy provides a framework for developing and understanding policy with implications for older people. POLICIES Auckland DHB A+ Links Older Peoples Health Older Peoples Health (OPH) Serviceprovides inpatient and outpatient care and is spread over two sites; inpatient services are based at Auckland City Hospital while outpatient and community services are based atGreenlane Clinical center. They also have the interdisciplinary day assessment includes Stroke Clinic, Parkinsons Clinic and Auckland City Memory Service. Also available is the Community Rehabilitation Programme to assist people who need some assistance to get back to how they were functioning prior to illness or who need help with the transition back to their home situation after a period in hospital. Home Health Service provides community based healthcare for adults 16 years and over living in Central Auckland. It is based atGreenlane Clinical Centre. Dementia Pathways We will increase access to early onset dementia services.We will help to develop a greater range and level of skill within the Aged Residential Care sector.Overall, we want to see safer practice in working with older people across both inpatient and community settings.This will also depend on increasing service accountability and the reporting of clinical issues. SENIORLINE Support of carer- In this old person can get a support of carer on full time basis from district health board. FUNDING Auckland DHB received $1074.6 million in funding in 2014/15 from Ministry of health Funding increases as a result of growth over the last 3 years were as follows: $21.9 million in 2014/15 $21.4 million in 2013/14 $32.2 million in 2012/13. They also get public funding to serve aged people of Auckland District from NGO’s. TERMINOLOGY Terminology is meant to be the word which is used in different settings of science and in forensic science to name some special characters of some incidents and reactions in chemical. The old age person in the old age socially they called geriatric or elderly. Old age person- As the age recognised socially for the human being which is 65 years and they called retired people. ATTITUDES it is define how the people look the old age person, some of them are think they rely on their kids on the governments to live their lives. The elderly people with dementia they are isolated from the community in the mental institutions. Elderly people are undervalued by the young generation and discriminated against especially with loss of health and income. STEREOTYPES People start commenting them by words like useless or the words which hurts their dignity and respect. Person with cognitive impairments are socially isolated from community and from the family sometime. Most of dementia clients those with serious illness are unable to make decisions for their own lives where some of the families feel burden on them start suggesting them to go live separate or in rest home facilities. BARRIERS It is problem where elderly people get abused at home where they have to do home cleanings and home works like lawn moving, vacuuming. They also neglected most of the times due to their unwillingness and the diseases for the social parties in the families. Society starts undervaluing them when they starts going towards their retirement and they hurts their dignity where they feel disrespectful for themselves. They create image of elderly person of negative energy due to their suggestive nature to young people from their experience which always suggest them to do right things or in proper manners, these things also varies from culture or to religion. 2.3 SERVICE PROVISION All the service provided to aged people through hospitals their primary services and the services which they get from community. General practitioner- for the routines check up Hospitals- for the emergencies and accidents Work and income- for their financial part of their life Citizen’s bureau- for first time information NZ Positive Ageing Strategy (2001) Health Of People Strategy (2002) Above strategies helps to improve their quality of life improving their policies from their past years data gathering from their regional statics. ACESS FRAMEWORK RESTHOME FACILITY- it is started from GP first he assess the elderly person how much care they need for themselves, if it is fell dependence then they ask them to go for NASC assessment to get full service. Ministry of health – incorporate the strategies Auckland District Health Boards- Corporate the policies and strategies stated by Ministry of Health for Auckland District. They can access WINZ for their financials though their website. REFERENCES A Links Needs Assessment and Service Co-ordination (NASC) †¢ Healthpoint. (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2015, from Seniorline Home. (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2015, from Auckland DHB. (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2015, from Residential care. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2015, from HEALTH OF OLDER PEOPLE STRATEGY {2001}. Retrieved February 23, 2015, from The positive ageing Startegy Retrieved February 22, 2015, from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Our Free Will :: essays research papers fc

Our Free Will We ought then regard the present state of the universe as the effect of its previous state and the cause of the one which is to follow. An intelligence knowing at a given instant of time all the forces operating in nature, as well as the position at that instant of all things of which the universe consists, would be able to comprehend the motions of the largest bodies in the universe and those of the smallest atoms in a single formula - provided that it was sufficiently powerful to submit all these data analysis. To it nothing would be uncertain and the future would be present to its eyes as much as the past. This passage comes from P.S. de Laplace's â€Å"Philosophical Essay on Probabilities.† If such determinism is true, then everyone's every thought and action must be inevitable; that no one really has any choice about anything, because we are all helpless products of blind forces which have made us what we are. In this paper concerning the free will and determinism debate I will argue that determinism is not plausible, I shall do this by giving reasons for determining how determinism is false, give arguments for determinism, and then refute those arguments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are those who think that our behavior is a result of free choice, but there are others who presume â€Å"we are servants of cosmic destiny or that behavior is nothing but a reflex of heredity and environment.† The position of determinism is that every event is the necessary outcome of a cause or set of causes. That everything is a consequence of external forces, and such forces produce all that happens. Man is not free. If we accept the determinist argument and assume human behavior as a consequence of external factors rather than of free choice, then we must realize that our explanation of human behavior leaves no room for morality. If people do not choose their actions, then they are not really responsible for them, and there is no need for praising or blaming them. If determinism were true, then there would be no basis for human effort, for why should a person make an effort if what he or she does doesn't make a difference? If what will be will be, then one has an excuse for doing nothing. Life would not be so meaningful for people on deterministic grounds. â€Å"The nature of human life may be such that man must understand himself as being free, for human life as we know it would not make much sense without the concept of freedom.

Soccer Cant Make the Big Time in the U.S.A. :: Cause Effect Essay Sports

Soccer Can't Make the Big Time in the U.S.A. Soccer — or football (or foosball or futbol), as it is called by the rest of the world outside the United States — is surely the most popular sport in the world. Every four years, the world championship of soccer, the World Cup, is watched by literally billions all over the world, beating out the United States professional football's Superbowl by far. It is estimated that 1.7 billion television viewers watched the World Cup final between France and Brazil in July of 1998. And it is also a genuine world championship, involving teams from 32 countries in the final rounds, unlike the much more parochial and misnamed World Series in American baseball (that doesn't even involve Japan or Cuba, two baseball hotbeds). But although soccer has become an important sport in the American sports scene, it will never make inroads into the hearts and markets of American sports the way that football, basketball, hockey, baseball, and even tennis and golf have done. There are many r easons for this. Recently the New England Revolution beat the Tampa Bay Mutiny in a game played during a horrid rainstorm. Nearly 5000 fans showed up, which shows that soccer is, indeed, popular in the United States. However, the story of the game was buried near the back of the newspaper's sports section, and there was certainly no television coverage. In fact, the biggest reason for soccer's failure as a mass appeal sport in the United States is that it doesn't conform easily to the demands of television. Basketball succeeds enormously in America because it regularly schedules what it calls "television time-outs" as well as the time-outs that the teams themselves call to re-group, not to mention half-times and, on the professional level, quarter breaks. Those time-outs in the action are ideally made for television commercials. And television coverage is the lifeblood of American sports. College basketball lives for a game scheduled on CBS or ESPN (highly recruited high school players are more likely to go to a team that regularly gets national television exposure), and we could even say that television coverage has dictated the pace and feel of American football. Anyone who has attended a live football game knows how commercial time-outs slow the game and sometimes, at its most exciting moments, disrupt the flow of events.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Making Decisions Today For Health Care Tomorow Essay -- Medicine Paper

Making Decisions Today For Health Care Tomorow Today, 80-85% of Americans die in medical institutions. Of those, 70% require decisions about whether to apply, withhold, or withdraw medical treatment (Makar 58). Due to this ever increasing number, the right to die is one of the most popular and controversial topics in medicine today. The issue comes down to personal beliefs and ethics and the fact that there is so little clear-cut legislation on this topic confuses it even more. Advance Directives provide, in theory, for self-determination and put the patients mind at ease with the knowledge that they have decided for themselves the extent of health care that they wish to receive. Also, for the family, the process of watching their loved one suffer through unwanted medical treatment is eliminated. In practice, however, there are a lot of inconsistencies and legal barriers that place limits on their usefulness. Some would argue that there is a limit to the amount of self-determination a patient retains even with an advance directive. They would say that a part of self-determination is that the patient makes an active, mental decision about his/her health care, and that advance directives dont fulfill this requirement. Regardless, it is clear that it is better than having no voice whatsoever in the decision. Also, in regard to attitudes toward self-determination today, many people waive this right either because they dont know that they have a choice or because they feel that they dont have a right to question a doctor or make medical decisions themselves (report Abram et al. 49-50). Alan Lieberson, author of the Living Will Handbook, describes a progression that our society has taken that has led to the necessity of ad... ...1982. ---. Making Health Care Decisions (Report) Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1983. Alexander Law Firm. Medicare and Advance Directives. U.S.. Government Printing Office, 1993. Available: http:/ Arnitage, Matt. Opus Communications Health Wave. 1996. Available: Lieberson, Alan D. The Living Will Handbook: The right to decide your own fate. Mamaroneck, New York: Hastings House, 1992. Makar, Marjorie Conner, BSN. Consent and Right to Die. CME Resource Sacramento, CA: 1994. Peer Review Systems. Health Care Quality Improvement Program Advance Directives Final Report. December 1995. Available Right to Life of Michigan. Living Wills and Durable Power of Attorney. Available:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Global Communications

For many companies, how they should survive in a changing market is very important to them and often results in many difficult decisions being made. These decisions can include whether to lay off employees, outsourcing some work to other countries, pay and benefit cuts, and many other concerns. Since this is the case, companies such as Global Communications have very serious issues that must be resolved in the best interest of the future of the company while still ensuring that the employees and others that have some stake in the company are treated fairly and in the best way possible. In order to understand some of the problems that Global Communications is facing, it is important to understand the issues of globalization and outsourcing, which is the act of sending work to other countries because of less expensive labor costs in those countries. There will be three main topics that will be addressed in the paper. These include outsourcing and globalization and their effects on a company, leadership concerns when it comes to IT, and the problems that are faced between companies and unions when they have difficulties in resolving issues based on contracts and other concerns. Many of the new technologies that are created and implemented today are often promoted by the suppliers and are only through channels that actually reach fellow technologists such as managers that specifically deal with management information systems (Connolly, 2004). This does not help those that are designed to lead organizations do their job effectively. These individuals learn about the new technology but quite often they do not know about the problems and challenges that are faced by middle management and other end users, such as front-desk employees (Connolly, 2004). Not only are they not aware of the challenges and problems that are being faced and should be handled but they do not know how to present the various capabilities of these new technological products to the individuals that will be using them (Connolly, 2004). The role of the leader should be much more than what it is in many companies, and therefore it is important to look at the problems that leaders face when it comes to information technology. Most of these problems come about from what was mentioned above – individuals that are too technology-minded and do not take the time to explain things to leaders and others that might not understand some of the technical terminology, but would certainly understand what is needed and what they should have. A system can then be designed around that, but many individuals that work with and understand technology do not look at this type of issue. Leadership, however, is not the only issue. The outsourcing of many companies to other countries is also one of the main problems for many companies that feel that they need to expand and need cheaper labor to do so. The plight of the American worker is something that has been lamented throughout history for various reasons. Some of these reasons were really more significant than others, and some of the reasons were simply complaints that the workers felt that they could get away with. However, outsourcing is somewhat different than just a workers' complaint. The reason behind this is that outsourcing affects so many different people for various reasons. From the poorly-skilled immigrant that is desperate for a job to the corporate executive that loses his job because there is no longer anyone for him to supervise, outsourcing can affect almost everyone. Those that use outsourcing companies do not have to pay these temporary individuals the same type of salaries that they would pay to keep their full-time workers, nor do they have to pay them any type of benefits. Many people are concerned that outsourcing might cost them their jobs that others wonder if outsourcing is simply a trend that is passing through. Many business owners are also asking themselves whether outsourcing actually works and whether the company that they own should offer services that are outsourced or contract out some of their departments for outsourcing. This is especially true of many companies when it comes to the aforementioned information technology (Clark, 2004). Individuals that work in the telecom services dealing with information technology, call centers, and other similar issues are becoming more interested in outsourcing, or what is sometimes known as offshoring (Clark, 2004). Those that work as agents in call centers and those that work as engineers in information technology are becoming very concerned about this issue as well because many of the jobs that they hold or want to hold in the future are being sent to other countries (Clark, 2004). The issue came up recently in the last presidential election debate because the idea of keeping jobs here is very important to the American public but there are also good reasons to outsource specific jobs. Most people believe that outsourcing is a relatively new concept but this is simply not the case. Starting as far back as the 1950s the United States contracted many manufacturing programs with various Asian countries (Clark, 2004). The outsourcing area that is often called offshore has generally become synonymous with the idea of losing many American jobs to India (Clark, 2004). A survey that was recently taken by a human resources consulting firm found that information technology is the largest area for outsourcing. Over 67 percent of the companies that outsource utilize this for information technology, 49 percent of them utilize outsourcing for customer relations, 41 percent of them for the processes in the supply chain, and 42 percent of them for manufacturing (Clark, 2004). The survey, which looked at 500 corporations, found that approximately 45 percent were utilizing some type of outsourcing model that dealt with a global level or they planned to introduce this type of sourcing model within the next three years (Clark, 2004). There are risks to human capital that also come along with outsourcing jobs. Typically, saving money in a business by outsourcing jobs generally means that American employees must be laid off. As this trend continues and grows stronger labor unions and other employee groups are paying much more attention to what type of relationship is seen between unemployment and outsourcing (Pagach, 2004). There are many cases of employee groups becoming much more vocal on the issue and taking the concerns that they have to federal and state politicians hoping to encourage initiatives in the Legislature that would stop or reduce the outsourcing arrangements that can be made with companies offshore (Pagach, 2004). Naturally, there is also an information technology risk, once again because there is a great deal of expense that often takes place with the infrastructure and because the use of information technology makes keeping the secret and confidential items confidential somewhat more difficult (Pagach, 2004). The specifications for much of the technology that is needed may be very strict and some developing countries might not have everything they need in order to ensure that the technology that they are using is up-to-date enough to handle what they will be doing for a particular company (Pagach, 2004). Even though there are many concerns, however, there are also opportunities that can be seen from these issues. In regards to outsourcing, many other countries (in this case Ireland and India) can do certain activities or create certain goods less expensively than the United States can. Because of this, sending some work to these countries can help the profitability of the company that does so, and can also help that same company hire other workers that have more technical jobs and higher salaries. Some of these individuals can be hired from the money that is saved when the company outsources other jobs. For leadership, there are many ways that individuals can better themselves as leaders, and dealing with outsourcing and other IT issues can help leaders grow and change. This can be very significant, not only for the leaders, but for those that follow them and look up to them. Problems with labor unions are also significant, as they can also be very difficult and cause many problems. For those that must work with labor unions, there are opportunities to renegotiate issues and problems, and to come to a better understanding of what each party to the transaction actually needs from the other party, which is sometimes difficult to understand. The opportunities that are presented by the challenges that are faced by Global Communications are very significant, but in addition to these opportunities, one must also be aware of the stakeholders that are involved. Not only do the leaders of the company have a stake in what is happening with the company and where it is going in the future, but the workers in that company also have a stake in what is going on and what will happen later. Those that work with the company from other companies that exchange goods and services are also stakeholders, because what one company does might affect other companies that it works with. Those that lose their jobs because of the outsourcing often feel rejected and as though they lost everything. Those that end up ‘taking' those jobs in another country then become stakeholders as well, interested in hanging onto the jobs that they have acquired and hopeful that the company will continue to prosper so that they can keep their jobs. Others may become stakeholders in the future, if the company expands and brings more people in to work for it. All of the stakeholders and worthwhile individuals, and all of them have rights that the company must be careful not to tamper with as it goes about the changes that it chooses to make. As for the actual statement of the problem, it must address many issues, since there are three significant concerns that were discussed above. However, that must also be condensed into one statement so that it is easier to define. Knowing this, the statement of the problem is as follows: The issues of outsourcing and globalization, labor union concerns, and proper IT leadership are all significant concerns that must be addressed by Global Communications if the company is to continue to expand, keep its employees content, and ensure that the transitions that it makes goes as smoothly as possible. This type of problem statement is very open-ended and allows for a future that has many different ways of providing multiple opportunities for the company in the future. There are a significant number of different things that Global Communications can do to implement the changes that they wish to make in the future, and the goal for them is to ensure that they implement these changes in such a way that they are the least harmful to the largest number of individuals. As for end-state goals for Global Communications, these are somewhat more specific than the problem statement. The goals for this company are to: expand their business by outsourcing some of their work to India and Ireland; move as many people as possible to other jobs so that they will not be laid off; and work with the union to provide a satisfactory answer to the problems that are being faced. In order to do these things, Global Communications must work very hard and be willing to listen to and discuss new ideas and opinions. If the company is not willing to do this, it is quite likely that they will fail in at least one of their goals. Since leadership, outsourcing, and labor union difficulties are all concerns for Global Communications, and it has been seen how significant these issues can be, the company has no real choice but to work with others in such a way that as many people as possible can benefit from the changes. This will not be an easy road for the company, but it appears as though the labor union struggle will be the most difficult. If the outsourcing is done well and carefully and the leadership of the company is strong, it is likely that the labor union can actually reach an agreement with the company that everyone can live with. Clark, R. 2004. The real cost of outsourcing: turning over IT operations, call centers and network maintenance often involves more than service providers bargained for. America's Network. Clark, R. 2004. The real cost of outsourcing: turning over IT operations, call centers and network maintenance often involves more than service providers bargained for. America's Network.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Language and Literacy Essay

words and Literacy what atomic number 18 they? How do they relate? How do we learn them? These atomic number 18 just a few questions mavin might ask them self when they look the effect linguistic process and literacy arrive at on learning. Forms of language and literacy spud supportively and interactively. Children build on un indite language knowledge and practices as they learn to read and write they split up key understandings about reading finished writing, and they extend their writing range with reading (Braunger & Lewis, 2005). This illustrates how at even the close basic level, language and literacy be incorporated from the real beginning.Therefore, in order to go separately to see how children learn each, unrivalled need to have a effective understanding of twain language and literacy away from each former(a) before mavin potbelly fully understand how they flow together. Language is first and fore well-nigh functional. It can be divided into deuce p art create verbally language and oral language. Language is essential to learning, and ready, as a alter form of language, is not only a basic skill, it is an indispensible tool for critical and fictive thinking (Braunger & Lewis 2005).There be umteen similarities amidst written and oral language, Reading, writing, speech and listening, at the deep levels of production and comprehension, argon parallel manifestations of the same vital military man function the minds drift to create meaning(Cambourne, 1988) (Braunger & Lewis, 2005). For both written and oral language learning, children go through and through a similar learning exhibit seeing/hearing, recognizing, aw atomic number 18ness of the differences in what they are seeing/hearing, participation in address/writing (Braunger & Lewis, 2005).While there are many similarities, the two modes of language are different in many interlinking and interesting ways. These differences are due to much(prenominal) pragmatic fac tors as psychological and physiological distance from audience, function, amount of time race have to produce language, and degree of permanency (Chafe & Danielwicz, 1987 Olson 1977 Rubin, 1978 Tannen, 1982). The most salient difference is that the two require different kinds of knowledge that learners moldiness acquire in order to ensnarl with and on them (Braunger & Lewis, 2005).Additional differences are that each mode requires specific knowledge that cannot be transferred to the other and also that written language is doubly symbolic readers and writers must blend at least somewhat intended of their knowledge of oral language, which isnt indispensable in speaking (Braunger & Lewis, 2005). Another major(ip) difference betwixt written and oral language is its accessibility. Oral language is very readily available through conversations, recordings, music, etc. whereas written language is much harder to obtain by since it has to be created and then make accessible for othe rs (Braunger & Lewis, 2005).Aside from their similarities and differences listed above written and oral language make up the building blocks of literacy. Literacy allows us to make connections between our own and others experiences to inquire systematically into of import matters and to access, analyze and evaluate information and arguments. In short, literacy is key to success in instruct and beyond for effective participation in the workforce, the community, and the body politic (Braunger & Lewis, 2005). Literacy occurs in stages with the aboriginal development taking place during puerility and adolescents.During adolescents is when our literacy knowledgebase grows and deepens the most. Some of the key features in luck develop an adolescents literacy are reading a wide variety of texts and genres, teacher modeling, cognitive collaboration, and assessment of strengths. However parents play the most important role in a childs language and literacy development. It has been shown that the to a greater extent involved families are in the literacy development of children, the more success the student give achieve (Braunger & Lewis, 2005).It has also been proven that children who have more language experiences such as, opportunities to talk, experiences with stories both oral and written, verbal interaction between adult and child during story readings, and opportunities to range and write, fare better once they turn over a school learning environs since they have had more exposure to the things they are learning in the classroom. This early readiness and learning is vital for building a students confidence which allow for affect all aspects of their schooling.(Braunger & Lewis, 2005). The diversity of populace schools today does not support a one size fits all course of study of reading instruction (Braunger & Lewis, 2005). In other words, we as educators need to ensure that the literacy programs we use up are tailored to fit the needs and interests o f our individual students if we want to ensure they develop their language and literacy skills to the fullest. ? References Jane Braunger & Jan Patricia Lewis, (2005). Building a experience Base in Reading (2nd ed. )

Elizabethan Age – Age of Marlowe and Shakespeare

Elizabethan age was an era of queer juxtaposition of whole modern avenue of thoughts and descend of ideologies, which flowed in words of great well-lightederary geniuses. It began with the savor of Renaissance marked by the quest for fortuity and material riches. It was the age when the sagacitys of the sight were lured by the new visions of distant lands rich in gold jewels and were swayed by the captivating charm of the beauty and loveliness. Music, dance and cheer get togethered a significant p subterfuge in their lives. On the other hand, Elizabethan era alike saw the decay of moral values. From the noble foundationakin to gentry and from royalties to peasantry people in an inexhaustible rocking horse of materialism devoid from spirituality, adopted cupidity and alloy values.The literature macrocosm delved tardily into the psyche of the hoi polloi to illustrate the situation whereby in their quest for sufficient biography, they forgot that a tragic end awa its them. two Marlowe and Shakespe be created the characters in their enduring plays Doctor Faustus and small t cause, Prince of Denmark who became the emblem of tragic heroes. Both protagonists enjoyed a life of royalty because of their noble induce exclusively both of their lives ended in calamity in virtue of their roughly tragic tarnish in their character. Their flaw was their edacity and pride, which exit them to conform to their pestiferous designs and passivetually their wipeout. Marlowes hero is Faustus who had wonderful qualities and was a super piece and his go through passion reaches beyond the ordinary aspiration until he met with his fate. On the other hand, we cannot say Ham permit was wanting(p) in moral values but he was too a conqueror and his voracity to penalise the murder of his tiro goed all his smashing actions and deeds. For the military force and wealth, Claudius murdered King small town whose soul wanders and tortures the young small town to ponder upon some foul play.Faustus and crossroads exemplified the contrary faces of the hu patch battle of choosing surrounded by doing strong and evil and how the correct or wrong choices and actions surpass the moral part of the individual.An overview of Dr. Faustus would reflect how a slice overpowered by greed and ambition can be drive to sell his soul to the Devil but in the end would suffer the consequences of such a repugnant act. He abjured the scriptures, the Trinity and Christ to fill up his inordinate ambition to gain super human powers by gaining mastery over unholy art of magic. By selling the soul to Devil, he lives a blasphemous life full of vain and stifling pleasures in 24 years and did not blush hesitate to insult and assault the Pope with the hallowed Fathers at Rome (Sparknotes 2007, Doctor Faustus). Though he felt a constant dispute in his soul between his overweening ambition and conscience, he ignored such conviction until the sequenc e wherein it was to a fault late as eternal damnation awaited him (Sparknotes 2007, Doctor Faustus). In his inordinate passion to run all the mysteries of the universe, he forgot that he cannot overpower the meter and when ultimately the time came for the devil claim his soul, he realizes that his sins are unpardonable and nothing can relieve him. Before the devil totally snatches his soul to add up him to nether region, Marlowe wrote a poignant expression of Faustus final soliloquy My God, my God, look not so fierce to me Adders and serpents let me breathe a while Ugly the pits, yawn not come not Lucifer Ill burn my books Ah, Mephistophilis (Marlowe1588, jibe XIV)Shakespeares village told of a tragic end brought about by bile and r notwithstandingge- but the end of crossroads was not imputable to the flaw in his moral character but the waver of the mind of the noble soul to penalise the death of his stimulate. The play began with the presence of supernatural part in t he form of the Ghost of Hamlets father. The figure of Ghost implied the emergence of t actdy that would deviate the course of Hamlets life because of the greed of Hamlets uncle, Claudius who later ascended to the thr angiotensin converting enzyme(a) of Denmark aft(prenominal) marrying Hamlets mother (Sparknote 2007, Hamlet). Torn between duty and vengeance, Hamlet decided to vindicate the death of his father but as he was serious-minded by nature, he delayed the revenge and kinda entered in a deep melancholy. A authorised turn of events caused Hamlets fit of rage happened when he attempted of to kill Claudius, mistakenly he killed Polonius. Hearing the news of the death of Polonius, Ophelia, Hamlets lover, went mad with grief and killed herself by drowning in the river (Sparknote 2007, Hamlet). Laertes wanted to avenge his father, Polonius and his sister, Ophelias death. Taking the advantage of confusion, Claudius instigated Laertes for a duel with Hamlet that allowed him to position a poisoned brand in Laertes hand to use against Hamlet, as come up as poisoned drink (Sparknote 2007, Hamlet). Wounded Hamlet turn up Claudius guilt from the dying Laertes he picked up a poisoned sword, stabbed Claudius and forced him to drink the remaining of the poisoned wine. Claudius went into the eternal specify and Hamlet too died after he had his revenge.The number 1 point of comparison easily becomes the moral fiber that Faustus and Hamlet had as two individuals reflected dissimilar motives and different objectives throughout that frame of the play. Marlowe had captured the moral value of greed for materialistic desires in the form of Dr. Faustus aspirations for gaining the knowledge of bare magic. He had selfish motives that were fond enough for him to put up farewell the religious values of mediaeval percentage point that valued Christian principles and that focused on the pull up stakesing of God. Faustus believed that these metaphysics of magicians and necromantic books are heavenly O, what a world of profit and delight of power, of honor of Omnipotence, Is promised to the studious artizen all in all things that move between the quiet poles shall be at my command (Marlowe 1588, Scene I). Such a tale come oned why Faustus was drawn to the drab humanities he desired power and decided it was better than the traditional norms of knowledge they were accustomed to. He constructed his own demise when he initiated the deal with the Devil. He considered different field of knowledge and dismissed them to be nothing compared to black arts, seeing them as something that would make him a aright god (Marlowe 1588, Scene 1 Line 62). It was this greed that dominated Faustus morality that led him to be move with Mephastophilis lie of his so-called freedom and power (Marlowe 1588, Scene III Lines 76-80).On the contrary, Shakespeares protagonist, Hamlet was presented as a noble soul and possessed strong moral convictions. Although reve nge was not considered morally righteous, it was his reception to the evil that was injected in his life by his fathers murder. It presented a more human rejoinder to evil and how he adapted such ways because of the circumstance and not for his own selfish desires for wealth and power. As an effect, he killed Polonius whom he had mistaken for Claudius, his fathers murderer. Hamlet believed that it was his moral duty to avenge his father for his father to suspire in peace. Hamlet declared such duty when he express The time is out of joint, O cursed spite, That always I was born to set it right (Shakespeare 1600, typify I Scene V). Furthermore, Hamlet had shown disgust to other forms of immorality within his family as shown in how he hated his mothers relationship with Claudius (Shakespeare 1600, subprogram I Scene II).According to Studer-Pauer (1994), He acts quite an on his moral sense of duty crafty that at the kindred time that he is sacrificing his own happiness and lif e, we consider Hamlet not provided morally impeccable, but, indeed, a heroic figure (94). The manoeuvre of Hamlets complexity exemplifies a someones easily and how it can be challenged during the most difficult of situations. On the other hand, Faustus showed how some reality would not stop until they are satisfied with what they swallow, even reaching the most wretched of options to attain an complex quantity level of satisfaction.The second point of comparison the Hamlet and Dr. Faustus in the actions they took to carry out their plans to achieve their goals. Faustus defied the medieval conventions of love, selflessness and trust to become all stringy and wealthy. He was an exaggerated manifestation of a man from the Renaissance period whereby man can go into an extreme extent to achieve his aims. Faustus pushed the limits of morality the different extents in their travels throughout Europe. There was a time wherein he even went to the pope. Mephastophilis and Faustus even used their powers to play tricks on the pope. During meal time, the two made themselves out of sight to curse and to cause such a disturbance as the friars and the attendants tried to drive out the believed creep from their presence. Faustus character showed that was the actually the one looking for disconcert as his actions either provoked or caused it. A number of passages like the one below show the lack of wisdom Faustus held on the concept of hell. Mephastophilis describes hell to be any place that is not heaven. Faustus took hell merely as a continuation of the life on reality. His lack of morality blinded him from seeing the difference between him and Mephastophilis that he is not yet damned to hell for eternity and that he still had time to repent. However, he chose to see hell in a different light that made it see a lot bearable that it was (Marlowe 1588, Scene V Lines 133-135).Hamlets motive was still affiliated to his sense of duty to his fathers vengeance. However, the lane he took to achieve such goal was not through justice and righteousness by law. He took matters into his own hands with a path incommensurable with Christian values. Homicide and deception became his tools for revenge. He reveals such reserve for himself and his actions in a conversation with Ophelia, I am myself indifferent honest but yet I could accuse me of such things that it were better my mother had not borne me I am very proud, revengeful, ambitious, with more offences at my beck than I have thoughts to put them in, imagination to go across them shape, or time to act them in. What should such fellows as I do crawling between earth and heaven (Shakespeare 1600, Act III, Scene I)?There was also a time when Claudius and even Hamlets own mother Gertrude did not want him to go home from school. Hamlet was such a deep thinker that he almost drove himself kookie from all the pondering he has done, however it has driven him to melancholy. He was so depressed that he eve n contemplated on suicide. O that this too solid public figure would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into dew Or that the Everlasting had not make waterd His canon gainst self-slaughter O God O God How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world (Shakespeare 1600, Act I Scene 2)He did not commit suicide but his final actions led him to stab Claudius after Laertes revealed to him that he was truly the one to blame for the former Kings death. When Hamlet had received be vengeance for his father, he has already killed Polonius and Laertes by his sword and the play ends in a tragedy.The actions of the two protagonists showed how choices made and the actions taken were important despite the fact that one holds a high degree of morality and righteousness. In the same way that the biblical truth goes, faith without action is dead. Hamlets morality and goodness would not matter if he chose to do evil. Faustus from the start lacked that fiber of morality an d it was reflected in how he was clueless as to what he was getting into.The third point lies on the fact that both lead characters from both plays exemplified the fight for goodness as both contendd throughout the play about the righteousness of their actions. Both of them had scenes wherein there was an inner struggle in their souls about the consequences of their deeds, an inner conflict of following good or evil. There may be a varying degree of the level of struggle and goodness the point is it existed for both characters.Even if Faustus has already change his soul to the devil there were countless instances wherein good tried interfering to push him to bring for mercy and repentance. In the beginning, there was a time wherein a good angel and the evil angel reflected that Faustus struggle whether he should stop studying the black arts and turn to the Scriptures of God again. Like the other time that he struggled, he chose the evil path. Near his death, he was urged by an old man to repent and to ask for forgiveness from God, Ah, stay, good Faustus, stay thy desperate step I see an angel hovers oer thy head, And, with a vial full of precious grace, Offers to pour the same into thy soul Then call for mercy, and avoid discouragement (Marlowe 1588, Scene XII Lines 44-46).Once again, Faustus listened to Mephastophilis. He regenerate his vow to the devil and stabbed himself sending him to an eternity in hell. Even in his final hours when there he was asking for mercy. However, he could not completely be freed from his ties with the devil partly because he did not have enough faith the God would forgive him.It is Hamlets nature to be meditating on the things that are going on around him. The presence of the haunt that was supposed to be his fathers symbolized his contemplation of whether the ghost really was his father or if it was an evil spirit trying to get him to murder Claudius. Hamlet caught up in the despair of it all said, To be, or not to be that is the question Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by fence end them (Shakespeare 1600, Act III Scene 1). His despair brought him to a point of hopelessness and depression that he questioned whether it was better to take his own life, which was a finite sin, or to live and suffer.Nevertheless, Hamlet suffered and struggled inside for the rest of the play, more so because of his genuine goodness. Faustus showed the same friendship for the consequences of his actions. Both opted to choose evil, even if one was lesser than the others one chose revenge over justice, the other chose atypical wealth and power over salvation.There was rehabilitation in every sphere of life and people were swept by the waves of such change of mindsets. The struggle for good and evil reflects the reality of the common man who constantly fights to uphold goodness in ones life. A number of times, people drop to triumph over evil as the will grows weaker against the desires of the heart. The important lesson manifested in both plays was the importance of choices that is easy to everyone.BibliographyMarlowe C. (1588). Doctor Faustus. New York P.F. Collier Son Company, 190914Shakespeare W. (1600) .Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. New York The Norton Shakespeare W.W. Norton Company, (2007). Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark. Retrieved on October 17, 2007, from http// (2007). Faustus. Retrieved on October 17, 2007, from http//, H. (1994). Norms, Values, and Society. Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird: The Scottsboro Boys Trail

1. The Scottsboro Trials argon rough when 9 sear early twenty-four hourss manpower were ar naped for dishonor and posterior raping cardinal unobjectionable wo hands on a cosmic string glide path from samara Rock, Alabama. later(prenominal) on the judicatory effect comp permitely ennead guilt-ridden and they were clipd to finale. A few geezerhood later the everyday set in motion come to the fore that the blanched wo custody were be that scarce cardinal of the men were re seek and that peerless while was sentenced to flavor in prison house for non doing anything. It moved(p) the States by screening how the coquet strategy was separatism in the 1930s.2. My feelings some the Scottsboro tribulations atomic number 18 al integrity negative. I gestate this is below the belt and undue penalisation for the golf-club morose men. They didnt do anything malign and the d everyy took the condition of deuce unobjectionable women which isnt rig ht. This substantial mental testing was establish on lies and racism. 3. The regimen in the Scottsboro audition were comp every digest(predicate)owely wrong. They base their accusations on segregation. If it was neat men raping exsanguinous women they wouldve been let dark after(prenominal) training that the women were lying. 4. The authorities plain ground the accusations on racism. akin I crock up tongue to if It were blanched men raping those women they wouldve let them go. 5. The finale to sentence all the men established how the States viewed smutty passel. It make the trial by ordeal of segregation a larger slip than it already was. 6. At the overthrow of the trial all were tried and sentenced to either death or life history in prison. afterwards one was released by 1989 the last of the Scottsboro boys died. 7. head start in the 1880s the Jim prevail laws were utilized. They were what gave segregation its name. It prevented the races from doing a nything to stomachher. . The Jim boast Laws were enacted be engender of racial disagreement. all in all the Confederate states precious to confine the emancipation of fresh freed slaves. 9. The Jim swash Laws had a self-loving purpose. They were created to enforce segregation in schools, transportation, hotels and many a(prenominal) to a greater extent places in the s tabuh. 10. The Jim blow Laws argon so ludicrously unconstitutional. They limit point dreary packs rights and make believe the snow-covereds everything. 11. The cause of The salient notion was by and large caused by portentous Tuesday too know as the day the rip market place place crashed. some other reasons consister od the banks failing, people couldnt obtain crossways the border, the American frugal insurance with Europe, and the freehanded drouth which caused the spread out manger and do farmers fail. 12. wellhead the freshly elected chairman Roosevelt did charitable of pacts. proc ess give people callings and amend the economy. That is what the governing body did to function the broad depression heal. 13. come up the capital printing do it double as impregnable for southerly blacks. Since they had provided got out of bondage they were poor people as it is. intimately of them lock away stressful to let jobs when the phone line market crashed well-nigh gabardine own businesses wouldnt apply blacks and most of the rest of the businesses werent hiring qualification it unthinkable to get a job and soak up bills for on that point familys. 14. Sharecropping was kind of a rip off in my opinion. The pertly freed slaves would fulfill sustentation of while of a white persons dirt for a portion out of the profit. 15. screen and cope with was about property the color in by in deuce recognise communities only if openhanded them commensurate treatment.